The Lonehill EnviroFund was introduced in 2007 to allow the estate team to maintain and improve the green public spaces. The funds are used to create an environment where the community feels safe to enjoy the fantastic outdoor living and lifestyle activities offered in Lonehill. These include Run Walk for Life, cycling clubs, parkrun, indoor and outdoor health and wellness clubs, swim schools, summer hiking up the Lonehill Koppie picnics, walking and exercising in the well-maintained beautiful Lonehill Parks and open green spaces.
By joining the EnviroFund, you will help to empower the community, thereby ensuring the neighborhood’s safety and beauty so that living in Lonehill remains a lifestyle investment for property owners and residents.
Your EnviroFund contribution will assist with:
- Funding the Lonehill Estate Maintenance team, namely our Environment Portfolio Manager and a team of 8 gardeners and their equipment, who remove illegal signage, clean and empty public bins on our streets, servitudes, parks and green space.
- Maintenance of Lonehill, Lappies and the new Parks along Crestwood and Mulbarton including the smaller parks in street closures.
- Upkeep and maintenance of parks’ kiddie’s playground, equipment and other fixtures such as the fountain.
- Mowing and/or bush clearing in all the parks and servitudes.
- The funding of projects such as the development of new parks, flowerbeds and pedestrian paving along popular walkways.
- The acquisition of additional plants and organics for flower beds in the Lonehill and other parks and surrounds.
- The funding of erosion control, prevention and mitigation measures to ensure continued and improved river-bank stability.
- Improvement of the local ecosystem integrity and biodiversity to advance the delivery of ecosystem services as well as community well-being.
Core Objectives:
- Improvement of Green Open Spaces
- Maintenance of Green Open Spaces
- Invasive Vegetation Control
Secondary Objectives:
- Litter Pick-up
- Illegal Sign Removal
Whenever Possible:
- Street Sweeping
- Municipality Engagement on Large Scale Issues
- Municipal Engagement on Unresolved Requests
Development and a growing urban population put pressure on urban green spaces and our city resources. The Envirofund aims to continue maintenance of green open spaces on a level that is desirable and ensures the community continuous use of safe and clean spaces to enjoy. In addition, the Envirofund continually works towards improving the resilience and sustainability of the green spaces by addressing critical issues such as erosion, water quality, biodiversity and ecosystem services through an aesthetic, unobtrusive and environmentally-friendly approach.
Our planned projects include:
Short Term:
Removal of priority alien invasive plants
Improvement of secondary parks
Development of new park areas
Medium Term:
Alien invasive plant control
Continuous improvement of green infrastructure
Erosion control along streams
Improvement of river front for recreational and wildlife use
Long Term:
Lonehill and Lappies Park wetland rehabilitation
Re-establish Lappies Park dam
Road verge improvements (erosion control, paving, beautification)
Solar lights in parks
Continued maintenance, upkeep and improvement of green open spaces promotes the use of green spaces and thus improves community well-being.
Well-maintained green spaces improve safety within the community.
Well-maintained green spaces contribute positively to property investments and value.
We depend on ecosystem services for our very survival – looking after and improving the health of our environment is to be looking after ourselves and those who come after us.